wtorek, 12 marca 2013

słodko-gorzki zapis miłości - Tymczasem pa, Kochany Skarbunieczku. Listy rysunkowe Antoniego Kowalskiego do syna Jerzego z okupowanego Poznania - Piotr Korduba.


Do tej książki, a właściwie powinnam napisać albumu, przyciągnęło mnie wiele – tytuł – Tymczasem pa, kochany Skarbunieczku, który przywodzi na myśl rodzicielskie uczucie przepełnione miłością, relacja ojciec – syn,  jaką przedstawia książka, i która do jej powstania się przyczyniła, a nade wszystko ilustracje. Nie prawdziwe, tworzone na potrzeby książki, ale wręcz odwrotnie – będące przyczynkiem do jej napisania. Ilustracje-rysunki tworzone nie przez ilustratora profesjonalistę, a rysunki ojca dla syna powstałe z miłości, dyktowane z serca i tęsknoty. Nauka świata na odległość.
Trzydzieści trzy kolorowe rysunki. Jedne trochę dziecinne, inne jakby wyszły spod ręki już wyrobionej, precyzyjnej. Wszystkie bez wątpienia amatorskie.
Na każdym z tych rysunków – czy to na odwrocie, czy dodatkowo przy samej ilustracji (życia) list. Opis tego, co się wydarzyło, bądź dopiero będzie miało miejsce. Opis rysunku – jak rozmowa, codzienna ojca z synem. Rysunki te przedstawiają codzienność okupowanego Poznania: ulice i domy – bez niepokojących dziecko oznak zniemczenia, zakłady pracy bez krzywd pracowników, ale także zwierzęta, tramwaje, auta i ludzi.

Z tych ilustracji mały Jerzy Kowalski, do którego jego ojciec Antoni je kierował miał poznawać nie tylko świat i historię, ale też rodzinę. Dzięki temu dzisiaj też łatwiej odczytać (z nich) przeszłość rodziny Kowalskich. Liczne przeprowadzki (a raczej przymusowe wysiedlenia), bezpieczna przystań Jurka u wujostwa na wsi, pracę rodziców.

Zbiór ilustracji (odkrytych trochę przypadkiem przez Piotra Kordubę przy okazji zbierania materiałów do książki o Grunwaldzie – dzielnicy Poznania) poprzedzają interesujące fakty nie tylko z życia Kowalskich i Kozłowskich (rodzina matki Jerzego Sabiny z domu Kozłowskiej) ale i historii miasta. Okupacji Posen i Warthelandu – ruiny wielkich polskich zakładów, jak Cegielski, przekształconych częściowo Deutsche Waffen Und Munitionsfabriken (DWM, czyli koncern produkujący amunicję), czy prześladowaniach inteligencji polskiej zmuszanej do pracy dla Rzeszy bez jakiegokolwiek wyboru.

Te ilustracje były swego rodzaju łącznikami z domem, jako, że Antoni Kowalski pozostały w Poznaniu rzadko widywał syna oddalonego od miasta o ponad 100 kilometrów. Ale także ilustracje te powstawały pod zamówienie Jurka, szczególnie po wizytach ojca u syna, w ten sposób umilał on czas dziecku, albo uwieczniał to, o czym rozmawiali, co robili (dziś rysunki zostałyby pewnie zastąpione przez fotografie). Jednocześnie listy dostarczane do wsi, do rodziny Sabiny były znakiem, że Antoni Kowalski dojechał szczęśliwie do domu.
Jerzy Kowalski z ojcem
To burzliwa, choć krótka historia polskiej rodziny w czasach okupacji, okraszona – nie tylko ilustracjami, które stanowią sedno tego albumu, ale i zdjęciami, które w niewielkiej ilości przetrwały okres wojennej zawieruchy. Bardzo dobrze się stało, że Jerzemu Kowalskiemu udało się wrócić do rodzinnego domu w Poznaniu i zachować w dobrym stanie te jedyne w swoim rodzaju listy ojca do syna. Ten swoisty zapis ich „rozmów” nosi dziś ślady upływającego czasu – co widać na zdjęciach jako ślady taśmy klejącej na zgięciach, które z czasem zaczęły się przecierać. Najważniejsze jednak że istnieje! Teraz jeszcze tak pięknie zebrany i okraszony historią.
Zdaję sobie sprawę, że to zbyt trudna książka dla małego dziecka, bo chociaż ilustracje zdają się interesować mojego syna to wiem, że ich wartość emocjonalną będzie on w stanie zrozumieć dopiero za kilka lat. Chciałabym też aby nigdy nie musiał spotkać go podobny los, bo choć wydźwięk tych listów jest cudowny i brzmi czystą nutą miłości, to podszyty jest tęsknotą i wojną.
cytat oraz zdjęcia pochodzą z książki

581 komentarzy:

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  79. Anonimowy9/5/17

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  93. Anonimowy15/5/17

    Phallyx with this tactic each one of the muscles improvement will begin and you will increase most amazing is due to it. Propel some of its healthcare opinions revealed that the actual concentrate of Phallyx Male Enhancement is about improving typical clean air and blood stream flow activity to the muscles which is expert by its key fixings, for example, Taurine and L-arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate and with its mix, you will itself saw that all the muscle limitations are being extended and your height of stamina and muscles..


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  101. Clemix Male Enhancement

    Ensure that you carefully examine your body in order to determine the things that you can do and the things you can't do. This will help you get an understanding of your goals and your base point. Pay close attention to your weight, as well as to your current fat and muscle content.



  102. Clemix Male Enhancement

    Make sure that you are consuming enough calories. All types of calculators are available online that can assist you in figuring out how many calories you need based on how much muscle you are hoping to gain. By making use of this kind of calculator, you can quickly determine what adjustments need to be made to your daily diet for desired results to be obtained.

  103. Anonimowy30/5/17

    Just walk a block or Testabolan CYPtwo at first, and increase the distance as you become more fit. This is one of the many perks of being a dog owner.Bike at a steady rate. Pedaling faster just burns through your available energy more quickly. A steady pace will help to build endurance and, eventually, reduce fatigue. It's also easier to protect yourself from injury if you keep your pedaling pace steady. You'll be more sensitive to the twinges that tell you you're risking an injury.http://www.healthbuzzer.com/testabolan-cyp/


  104. PrimalX Male Enhancement

    It is very important that you stretch before working out. Stretching is an important part of your workout routine. You can protect muscles from injury by doing some warm-up stretches and can relax muscles to prevent soreness and stimulate building after you finish your workout. Regular massages can also be useful for helping you to relax and encourage muscle recovery, which is part of building strong muscles.

  105. Anonimowy31/5/17

    You should put as muchTestabolan CYP hard work into your diet as you do your training. If you want to build muscle, concentrate on eating protein at the expense of fats. Don't be under the assumption that this means you can overeat; it simply means that you need to follow a healthy balanced diet. You need to consider taking protein supplements and vitamins in order to aid you in building muscles quicker http://www.realperfecthealth.com/elevate-igf/


  106. PrimalX Male Enhancement

    Decide on a specific pattern for your workout. Begin by working with dumbbells, grab the barbells next, and the machines can be your final stop. Fitness experts maintain that smaller muscle groups, such as those that you use with dumbbell exercises, get fatigued sooner than larger muscles. Ending your workout with machines is a rational strategy. By this point, your smaller muscles are certainly fatigued, so it's wise to focus on exercises that rely primarily on larger muscle groups.


  107. Power Boost XI anything drastic to alter their diet plan plan and quantity of work out to burn fat from taking Power Boost XI . Power Boost XI was a organic progressive process for overhauling their weight-loss efforts and enhancing their sex lifestyle in a way that fit into each individual person’s lifestyle. The average quantity of weight-loss was 43 pounds. Our study survey also found the guys in the group reported..



  108. Nayvi Serum

    Feed your skin from the inside. Many people think that greasy foods or chocolate will cause pimples, but this is a misconception. Still, if you have bad skin it's important to have a good diet. Healthy choices such as fruits and vegetables are a must, in addition to whole grains and nuts. These foods are full of nutrients that can prevent breakouts.

  109. Anonimowy3/6/17

    One thing Lumidaire Cream that's easy to forget about your skin is that it's not just your peel or shell, it's part of you. Your skin is an organ, the largest one in your body. So, your skin's health is in large part a reflection of your body's overall health. You'll make both your doctor and your dermatologist happy if you improve your overall health.http://www.supplements4news.com/lumidaire-cream/


  110. Skincare Panama

    Gentleness is a key factor in achieving great skin. Wash your body with warm water since using water that is too hot can strip your skin of its natural oils. When you exit the tub, don't dry yourself off too hard; take it easy on yourself. Instead, pat yourself gently with your towel; this helps your skin to retain moisture.

  111. Right Pick Muscle and with their pleasure, as case we have Viagra, however left ladies a little aside, which we know can't endure any longer. It is associated with fruitfulness and imperativeness and still has high cell reinforcement action love potion, expanding sexual craving. Right Pick Muscle expands vitality and declines weakness Poor moxie winds up just intensifying the circumstance of the man, since..


  112. Talk to your dentist TrueBrilliance about products that can whiten your teeth without damaging your gums. Even though some dismiss it as a waste of time and money, teeth whitening can improve the quality of your life and give a big boost to your self-esteem. This makes purchasing whitening products a worthwhile investment.http://www.supplementscommunity.com/truebrilliance/

  113. Optimal Rock item ought to be gone up against a regular schedule; dependably take two pills a hour sooner than sleep time persistently of utilization, the individual will see the change in sexual capacity and the diminishing of weariness, having the capacity to meet the most grounded sexual yearnings of both himself and his accomplice. What's more, on the off chance that you have ever pondered where to get it, rest..


  114. T Boost Max favorable circumstances. Are there any symptoms of T Boost Max ? No, this supplement is free from any kind of symptoms since it is simply having home developed fixings that are being utilized for quite a long time. A few people can stall out with terrible impacts of taking the effective normal home grown blend in the event that they are bringing different meds alongside it. Just men ought to utilize this..


  115. Create illusions
    Optimal Rock that you appear to be larger than what you actually are. You can do this by focusing on the higher chest, your upper back and your shoulders. Train these specific areas. When you do this, your waist will appear narrower while giving the appearance of being larger than you actually are.Ensure that your overall caloric intake is high enough. http://www.healthbuzzer.com/optimal-rock/

  116. Bio Rocket Blast

    Do as many repetitions over as many sets as possible when working out. Limit your breaks to less than one minute between each set of fifteen lifts or more. Maximizing lactic acid production in this fashion stimulates muscle growth. You will maximize your muscle building by committing to this several times during each of your sessions.


  117. Pineapple is a Revella Lash superfood that should be a staple of any overweight person's diet, especially if that person wants to lose the weight. This fruit contains bromelain in addition to being sweet and delicious. Bromelain helps to digest starch, fat and protein. Improving digestion can speed up your metabolism. http://www.supplementscommunity.com/revella-lash/


  118. Reveal RX Serum

    How can you hide those dark circles beneath your eyes? Cover them with foundation before you put on the rest of your eye make-up. This creates a smoother canvas for your shadow or foundation. Remember not to apply concealer too hard because this could cause skin irritations.

  119. Anonimowy14/6/17

    Many exercises in a short Testo Blend period of time can aid in weight loss. What this means is that you should include more activities in a smaller time period in order to see better results. Make your exercises "denser" by shortening breaks in between intervals or remove breaks altogether between your sets. This will make you lose more weight. http://www.realperfecthealth.com/testo-blend/


  120. Nerve Renew

    A common misconception is the notion that those with back pain should steer clear of exercise. Many of those afflicted by back pain believe that exercising will make their pain worse, but that simply is not always the case. Properly stretching the back muscles is a great pain reliever for lots of people


  121. Lumaglow

    When it comes to skin care, make sure to remember your feet. It's hard to fix dry, neglected feet. Prevent this from happening at all by applying moisturizer or body butter to your feet just before bed. This will make your feet smooth and fresh.


  122. Enduro Rush

    Try to eat between 20 and 30 grams of protein during each meal. This will help you eat enough protein every day to build your muscles. Spreading out your protein consumption in this way will help to ensure that you are eating enough of this valuable nutrient to help you build muscle effectively. As an example, if you require 180 grams of quality protein, you can achieve that by consuming 30 grams at each of your six meals.

  123. Do not neglect SLX Muscle carbohydrates in your muscle-building diet. Carbs provide you with energy that lasts through your entire workout. If you are limiting carbs, you run a risk of your body breaking down protein in order to get energy. Eat the correct amount of carbohydrates to get your body through its workout.http://www.tophealthbuy.com/slx-muscle/

  124. Anonimowy5/7/17

    Allurifi Revitalizing Cream

    Use a body scrub to exfoliate, and then after that use a quality moisturizer.Skin care is necessary in looking your best and being healthy. What you'll need is a defoliator and some kind of moisturizer for your skin. It is good habit to use a lotion on your body at least once a day. Use it twice if you have the time.


  125. Alpha Testo Max

    As your muscles increase in strength, they will begin to suffer further stress and be more likely to be injured. Taking the time to warm up can prevent such injuries. You should start with a few sets of light exercising followed by intermediate sets before doing any heavy lifting.Neither speed NOR weight is more important than technique! No matter the exercise, a steady pace that focuses on technique will offer the best results over repetitions pushed out too quickly. Just make certain to take your time, while making sure the exercise is being done correctly.


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  127. DSN Code Black

    Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals not found in other foods. Of course, vegetables contain a ton of fiber, as well. Fiber will allow your body to utilize protein more efficientlyAlways take in enough vegetables. Many diets designed to help you build muscle focus too much on carbohydrates and proteins without including the necessary vegetables. Vegetables provide valuable nutrients that foods high in proteins and carbohydrates generally lack.

  128. Honest Loan

    Learning a few tips might not turn you into an expert on insurance, but it will arm you with the tools necessary to seek out a great policy and to save some big money in the process. If you have insurance now, you should be able to make your situation even better. Now that you've read this article, you know insurance doesn't have to be as complicated as it seems. If you've already got insurance, you can now get more information which can get you a better deal or plan.

  129. It helps in the general maintenance of the body and endorses good health for all organs (not just skin). Overall cleanliness is also a valuable way of natural skin care. Everyday shower, wearing clean clothes and sleeping on a clean mattress/pillow are all concerned with overall cleanliness. After all, clean skin is the most essential thing to keep the skin disorders ward off. Habitual exercise is the next thing for natural skin care. Exercise improves the flow of blood that helps in getting liberate of body pollutants and keeping you hale and hearty. Exercise also facilitates in thrashing stress, which is the most terrible foe of good health. Vigorous food and eating routines are also suggested for natural skin care. Some sort of food (e.g. oily food) is known to basis acne and should be stayed away as much as possible. Your food intake should be a healthy Skincell Pro combination of a range of nutrient-providing foods. Crude fruits and vegetables are known to give bloom to your body and help out in getting free of body pollutants A fine sleep is also helpful in sustaining good health and in defeating tension. As a natural skin care actions, a good sleep delays drooping of skin. Defeating strain is one more natural skin care treatment. Stress affects overall destruction to body and health. Drinking a lot of water, getting a sound sleep and exercise has previously been declared as strain busters. Pampering in a temperate bubble bath, snooping to music and playing your desired sport are also good ways of thrashing stress. Keep away from unnecessary contact to sun (by wearing long sleeved clothes, hat and umbrella etc), is another natural skin care way. Sunscreen lotions are also suggested as essential .


  130. YϋTH Anti Aging Serum

    Wet your facial hair with warm/hot water for a minimum of five minutes prior to shaving if you want to avoid irritating your skin. If you want to shave your beard, use a warm and damp towel to soften your facial hair. Or, you should always shave after a shower. By making facial hair more pliant and easily removed, you reduce the skin-irritating friction caused by your razor.Put a few spoons in the freezer or make them cold in ice water. Put these on your eyes for around seven minutes.


  131. Anonimowy18/8/17

    Primal Growth

    We should also remember that staying fit is not the easiest thing and it can be difficult. Even though being fit isn't easy, it is necessary. Fortunately, extreme measures are not required. A bit of time and dedication will make all the difference. You might have a lot of fun this way!}Pay for your gym membership in advance to make sure you utilize it. You will be inspired to get to the gym more often when you know that you would be wasting money if you did not go. You should only do this as a last ditch effort.

  132. Anonimowy24/8/17

    PrimeX Testo Max

    Adolescents face a higher risk of these complications. Adhere to the recommended quantities for your safety when using these supplements.Make sure you are eating enough carbs to support your muscle-building program. Carbohydrates are essential for the energy you need to last through your weight training workouts. If you don't get enough carbs, your body will start to break down protein for energy. Eat just enough carbs to increase your body's function, but don't overdo it as it can lead to weight gain.Keep the "big three" exercises in mind when developing your routine.

  133. Anonimowy11/9/17

    PerformX Testo

    Doing so will help reduce and prevent swelling. Ensure that the area has good blood flow by elevating the sprained area. Applying ice directly to the skin is a bad idea; ice should be wrapped up in a towel prior to application.If you are seeking to become speedier with better endurance, you should learn the Kenyan method of training. The Kenyans have a particular way of training, which starts off with a slow run for the first third of the course.


  134. Nitric Alpha No2

    Don't work out for longer than an hour. After you have worked out for sixty minutes, your body starts to produce a stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol neutralizes testosterone, making it hard for you to build muscle mass. This can be avoided by working out for no longer than 1 hour continually.Compound exercises are crucial when building muscle. These types of exercises utilize many different muscle groups in one lift. The traditional bench press, which engages muscles in your shoulders, arms, and chest, is a fine example of a compound exercise.Don't rely on your "limits" to know when to stop a set, instead allow your body to physically be exhausted.


  135. Anonimowy21/9/17

    Primal Shred

    Restricting workouts to 60 minutes or less helps you get more out of each workout.Many people begin increasing their protein intake immediately upon beginning a program to build muscle which is a mistake. That can result in excessive caloric intake which, if not countered by increased exercise, may result in fat gain. Try increasing your protein slowly, a few hundred calories every few days, and your body will have a chance to turn it into muscle growth.

  136. PerformX Testo

    Are you strapped for time when it comes to working out? Break your workout into two sessions. You don't have to work out more, just break the time in half. If you normally spend 60 minutes on the treadmill, schedule half an hour of treadmill time each morning, and 30 minutes more later that night. If you would rather not go to the gym 2 times a day, then do one workout at the gym and one at home.


  137. Slimfit 180

    If you want to shed pounds, start exercising. Many people are unaware of how easy it is to get some exercise in. It is often difficult to work exercise into your routine. However, even a simple change such as getting off the bus one stop earlier, or parking farther away from a store entrance, you will give your body more activity and movement, boosting your metabolism. One mile of walking each day can keep off extra weight.


  138. Do not bathe your newborn daily if you want to best protect her skin Nuavive A newborn baby is seldom dirty and often just a wipe with a damp cloth is enough Nuavive Bathing only once or twice a week will keep baby's skin from drying out or becoming irritated Nuavive
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  139. PrimeX Testo Max

    Stick to your cardio exercise. While your cardiovascular routine won't increase muscle mass, it will better prepare your heart for your more strenuous weightlifting routine. Try to perform these types of exercises for twenty minutes, at least three times per week, to keep your heart in shape.If you are starting out in muscle building, perfect your form before going for power. You can add weight as time passes, but if you have bad form initially, things are unlikely to improve in the future. Neglecting your form will lead to injuries later on.

  140. Alpha X Factor

    If you find a sturdy box to exercise with, you can do box squats. Then simply perform a normal squat but stop and hold it when you are positioned right over the box.When you experience an injury get back into your work out as soon as you can. You should stick to easy exercises that will not tire you out. Just a little bit of exercise will get the blood flowing and stretch out the injured areas helping the healing process.The benefits of getting fit don't stop at your physical body. If you start a new workout routine, your mental health will improve as well.

  141. Anonimowy13/10/17

    ZMass Testo Boost

    Only work out the muscles that have been exercised the previous day lightly. Gently working out your muscles will help preserve muscle memory.Before working out on a bench, test it out. Press down to feel the padding and whether or not it can hold your weight. If the hard surface beneath can be felt, seek an alternative bench.Evaluate your training routine and eliminate any exercises that may be pushing you too hard. Take your heart rate the morning after you work out.

  142. Androforce X10

    Be careful about using heavy weights for moves that don't favor much weight. Neck work, split squats and dips sometimes include unfavorable joint positions that can put you at risk for serious injury. Instead, focus on workouts that include rowing, bench presses and regular squats.Ask your doctor if you can start taking creatine. This could give you the push you need to be able to drive through a workout and give it your all. Be careful when taking any kind of supplement. Follow its directions closely and don't take more than is recommended.

  143. StackT 360

    You can write down all of your goals, including the ones you have achieved, and use this as a motivator to get into shape. You should treat getting yourself in shape as if it is a life-and-death matter.After you finish exercising, drink a glass of milk. Milk serves as a fabulous source of protein. Milk contains proteins and essential fats needed to build and grow your muscles. The protein found in milk will help increase your total body mass.

  144. Rapiture Muscle Builder

    When you do not have time for a meal, consume a high protein shake prior to your workout. Since you need a great deal of protein while building muscle mass, it might be simpler for you to get protein in smoothies and other drinks as opposed to simply eating lots of eggs or meat.Use a combination of free weight exercises and well as weight machines for your muscle building sessions. Because free weights have more movement to control, they can add mass quicker.

  145. Vitrixa Select Ageless Serum

    Try to include plenty of antioxidants in your diet to get rid of free radicals. Fruit, dark chocolate and green tea are all very beneficial additions to your diet. Consuming these things regularly protects you from every day problems like UV light, second hand smoke and harmful stress.Exfoliating your skin with a loofah can help enhance your skin and get rid of dead skin cells. Removing these dead cells will tighten the skin, giving it a nice glow, and help smooth out blemishes and flaws. That layer of dead cells gives the skin a tired and aged look. Exfoliating dead cells off of your skin will rejuvenate your skin.

  146. Ulti Power Testo Boost

    Make sure you keep your cardio workout going. While it may seem that cardiovascular exercises contradict muscle building, they are crucial in keeping your heart healthy. 3 moderate cardio exercises per week of 20 minutes per session will be enough to properly exercise the heart without negating your weight training progress.To meet your daily protein needs, plan to add 20 to 30 grams of high quality protein to each of your meals every day. Your gender, current weight and target weight should all be considered when planning your diet and adding protein

  147. NuMax Test XT

    Bend your elbows, then swing your arms each time you take a step.When you begin working out with weights, always start out with smaller muscles first. Small muscles tire before bigger ones, so it is logical to work with small weights before moving onto larger weights. That way, your smaller muscles can rest once you get to the big weight machines.

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  149. Titanax

    Creatine supplements can sometimes be beneficial. Creatine helps your muscles recover which will allow you to increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts. Remain careful when taking supplement of any kind. Make sure you follow directions, and do not ever take more than the recommended dosage.Look into obtaining a creatine supplement as part of your muscle building plan. This supplement allows you to workout much harder and longer when combined with a food plan that is rich in carbs and proteins.


  150. Testo Boost XS

    If you want to make sure you are eating enough protein during your day, you need to try to eat approximately 30 grams of high-quality protein for each meal that you consume throughout the day. This number can vary based on your protein needs. By spreading out your protein intake, you are making sure that you get enough. For example, if you need 180 grams of protein per day, consuming six meals at thirty grams of protein per meal will get you that 180 grams you need.Resist the temptation to complete your reps and sets at top speeds. Performing the movements of each exercise slowly will provide better results, even if you have to switch to a lighter weight to do it.

  151. Anonimowy22/12/17

    Testro T3

    When this happens, it can excite and encourage you so that you can't wait to work out again.Only plan to do three or four workouts each week. If your workouts are providing an appropriate challenge, then your body is going to need restful periods to repair and recuperate in between exercise sessions. If you work out too often, you run the risk of injuring yourself. This will only be counterproductive in the long run.Consider trying creatine. This supplement, in conjunction with a diet that is rich in carbs and protein, will allow for lengthier, more intense workouts.

  152. Anonimowy26/12/17

    TestoSup Xtreme

    Use many different kinds of grips when doing back exercises. Use staged or mixed grips when doing rack pulls or deadlifts, so that you can build strength more easily. Staggered grips help to twist the bar in one direction, while the underhand grip twists the bar in the opposite way. This will keep the bar from moving in your hands.A muscle workout offers a number of benefits to your life in general, not just your health, and you don't need to bulk up to get these benefits. You can improve your self-esteem, feel more confident, and strengthen your joints and lungs when you combine muscle building with cardio workouts.If you are trying to build muscle, monitor what you eat and how much of it you eat.


  153. Testro T3

    It will be especially difficult for your body to produce additional muscle mass if you don't give it the protein it needs. Strive to consume lean, healthy proteins with at least two of your three meals.If you are getting ready to run in a marathon or do something similar, do not try to increase your muscle mass. Although cardio is important for your overall fitness, large amounts of it can negatively impact strength training attempts. For building muscle, focus on your strength-training efforts.

  154. Anonimowy2/1/18

    Apex Rush

    Cheating can be okay when done sparingly and for the right reasons. Getting in a few more reps by putting a certain portion of your body to work is a good way to ramp up your exercises. But do not make that an excuse to cheat on all of your reps! Control how quickly you complete each weight lifting cycle. Don't do an unreasonable number of reps in a short period of time. Never compromise your form.How you perform your exercises is far more important than how much weight you use, how quickly you perform them or how often you complete your routine.

  155. Anonimowy4/1/18

    Alpha Prime Elite

    The more you know about physical fitness, the more likely you are to be successful with your workouts. Use what you've learned to get into shape today! Whether or not you're one of the world's natural fitness enthusiasts, you will hopefully be able to make use of this article's suggestions. Pay attention to these tips and incorporate these ideas into your fitness routine.


  156. Trembolex Ultra Muscle

    If you would rather not go to the gym twice in a day, try doing just one workout at the gym and then a later session outside or at home.Many people attempt to get fit just by lifting weight on a bench. Actually, there are a few exercises for the body that are simple and effective such as the pull-up, squats, bridges, leg raises, handstand push-ups and pull-ups.

  157. Anonimowy8/1/18

    Core Max Ultra

    Change a few things in your life to form a regular fitness routine, this will help you get into shape. No matter whether you just want to lose a few pounds for a wedding, or make a total body transformation, you need to know about fitness. This article provides tips to help you get and stay fit, no matter what kind of shape you are in right now.

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  173. Some of these items include VitaMove Back Pain Relief Review knee pain, heel pain, and back pain. When a person's foot hits the ground the knee takes absorbs the majority of that force. The ankle is also being constantly bended resulting in micro tears. Its no wonder that runners or very active people, though highly fit, break down rather quickly. Regular visits to a Tacoma chiropractor help to minimize these problems. They manipulate and re-adjust your body so that your alignment gets put back into place. They can reduce inflammation and prescribe to you the right sports therapy massage to get your body back into shape. Many people in the past were leery about this medical practice but now, in 2010, it is widely regarded as one of the best ways to maintain the body and its functionality. If you need a place to start you may visit this particular chiropractor Tacoma Wa facility to schedule an appointment. Staying on top of your body before anything breaks down is more advisable then waiting until you feel pain. You are in pain, a LOT of pain, and finding relief seems so hard to do. It is almost like a maze where you have no idea where to go. The only thing you know for sure is that you want to end this pain...now. And the more pain you are in, the more desperate you are to try something, anything to make it end. You even find yourself willing to try things that your 'pain free' self would never have dreamed of doing. Things like weekly trips to the physical therapist or chiropractor, popping pills every chance you get just to take the edge off, and knowing the staff at your doctors office by name. You will do inversion therapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, anything just to find some relief.


  174. A plantar fasciitis night splint is a device Fungus Hacks Review used to maintain the ankle in a neutral position as the patient is asleep. Neutral position means that the ankle is kept in a position as if the patient is standing straight with his or her legs parallel to the ground. This can be advantageous since it maintains the tension on the Achilles tendon which stretches the plantar fascia in return.The use of the recovery device boosts the efficacy of the usual stretching by preventing the tissue from staying in a shortened situation while you are sleeping. If the feet rest in the pointed position of the toes without support, along with all the tension separated from the plantar fascia, it will result in more shortening of the muscle and more tension.Extra step: Use talc, lubricant or blister block cushions on areas that generally blister to prevent them from forming.Smelly Feet Everybody is familiar with this phenomenon. Most of us have a friend or relative who can clear out a room when they kick off their shoes. And even the sweetest smelling person can do a decent job stinking up a pair of shoes by running a few miles in them.The main thing that feeds foot smell is sweat. With more than 250,000 sweat glands each, your feet are among the most perspiring parts of the body. In one day, each foot can produce more than a pint of sweat! Heat, sweat, moisture, synthetic fibers, closed footwear and hyperhidrosis can all cause smelly feet.


  175. This quickly lowers the Memory Hack Review blood sugar levels and the amount of glucose left for the nervous system, depriving the brain of the fuel it needs. On the flipside, eating a low-sugar, high-protein meal releases the hormone glucagon, which enables the liver to store glucose and regulate the sugar level of the bloodstream for up to 12 hours, even without eating. When glucagon is absorbed into the bloodstream, it stimulates the release of glucose from the liver to increase the blood's sugar levels, which is what a young, active child needs. Besides stimulating glucagon production, protein contains building blocks called amino acids, needed by the brain for neurotransmitter release. Remember that the diet also has to be complemented with low-carbohydrate foods. If refined carbohydrates are eaten together with a large amount of protein, the amount of insulin released will be double the amount released when refined carbohydrates are eaten without protein. Although the protein will still be able to trigger glucagon release, the glucagon's effects will be overshadowed by the surge of insulin. Glucose can only make its way to the brain if blood insulin levels stay low. There's another advantage to going on a low-sugar, high-protein diet. Refined carbohydrates and sugary foods often contain casein and artificial food additives, components which are known to aggravate the symptoms of ADHD. Fortunately, it's not very difficult to get your child started on a low-sugar, high-protein diet. Here are some tips that might help you along the way. Avoid the classic American cereal breakfast. Despite what the box might say, cereals are mostly made up of refined carbohydrates and sugar. Milk and cereal also contain casein and gluten, respectively - proteins that are toxic to the brain if improperly digested. Try serving granola bars, eggs, or meat, instead.


  176. However a far more serious Blood Balance Formula Review side effect is Lactic acidosis (excessive lactic acid in the bloodstream), this condition is more likely to occur in people who suffer any form of liver or kidney disease or congestive heart failure. AND in these who drink alcohol on a regular basis by this I mean as little as four drinks a week, should you suffer any of these conditions and are seeking medication from your Doctor be sure to mention them to the Doctor. Whilst we realise that making sometimes drastic changes to your diet and lifestyle are not easy, but I can assure you the consequences of not making these changes will be dire, diabetes is a killer and kills in one way or another more than 65% of sufferers who do nothing to control the condition. For more information on Diabetes and how to control it please visit us: There can be no alternative for balanced diabetic diets. However a few foods could be added to the diet for effectively reducing the blood sugar levels. Despite the fact that most physicians and dietitians express their concern about balanced diet and workouts to control diabetes, both coffee and cinnamon have proved to be effective in lowering the sugar levels in the physique. They are not magic potions but not useless either for the purpose. While white bread converts immediately into blood sugar resulting in a spike, brown rice is digested much more slowly and will cause only a little change in the sugar level. It is therefore advisable to substitute white bread with brown rice. Oatmeal that is not sweetened can control blood sugar conveniently. It is a carbohydrate but a good one. High is soluble fibers, it digests very slowly and therefore won't raise the sugar levels quickly. A steady energy source, it also helps weight loss having a lot of fiber that keeps hunger at bay.


  177. Would you like more StrictionD Review information about alternative ways to handle your type 2 diabetes? To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions... its based on questions many diabetics have asked me over recent months. If you have type 2 diabetes or are overweight, you have an opportunity to turn things around and improve your health. Type 2 is characterized by two factors: abnormally high blood sugar levels, and high levels of insulin. Normally, blood sugar serves as one of your body's main fuels. If you didn't have blood sugar you wouldn't have the energy to get out of bed. Here are some basic rules that can help you lose weight when you have type 2 diabetes: Once you get a "craving" for a sweet dessert, limit your portion size drastically. Instead of a whole slice of cake or pie, take only a mouthful or one-eighth of a portion and that's it. This will be difficult when you first start out but you will make great progress on your eating plan by reducing the size of your slice of cake, or eliminating it altogether. Have plenty of munchies on your desk, or on hand, for times during the day when you feel like chewing something. These "munchies" should be foods that are low-GI carbohydrates. That means broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, celery, carrots, lettuce, radishes, and green beans. Learn to love these vegetables. It may be difficult at first, but you can do it! You'll soon discover that vegetables can be sweet. You could even add nuts and seeds/ Eating enough protein is important... enough protein means enough for your height and weight. Unfortunately, protein levels can't be generalized here; there's a specific amount that your body needs which is different than what your best friend needs. A minimum level is 60 grams for those 5 foot to 5 foot 3 in (152 to 160 cm) tall. The amounts go up from there.


  178. Minimize major life Memory Hack Review decisions/changes: It goes without saying that completing a pregnancy, giving birth, and then caring for a new infant is a stressful and laborious process! Major life changes and major decisions at this time will simply pile additional stress upon the situation. Therefore, it is best to minimize any major life decisions that can be put off for at least the first year after having a child. For further assistance take advantage of phone counseling. Treating hyperactive kids can mean using prescription drugs or natural alternatives. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of each so you can choose the solution that is best for your child. Since prescriptions medicines are used more often to treat hyperactive kids, let's talk about them first. There are many different types of drugs that are used to treat ADHD and rather than discuss each one, let's look at the big picture. While drugs can help some kids suppress their symptoms, they actually make other kids much worse. Why? Because they have side effects that certain kids just can't tolerate. Side effects range from mild issues like increased hyperactivity or stomach problems to bigger issues like sleeplessness, heart problems and even psychosis. Even mild side effects can have far reaching effects when a child is hyperactive. For instance, if a child is given a drug which causes stomach issues and makes him eat less, then he is not getting the nutrients and energy that he needs to grow and develop properly, which is delaying his development even more. Although drug company representatives claim that kids will catch up on their growth once they're off the drug, the real question is: when will the child be able to get off the drug? Since drugs do not heal ADHD, but only suppress the symptoms, it could be years before your child is able to get off the drug. And when you give your child a drug that has side effects that worsen his symptoms, what good are you really doing your child?


  179. Another thing that you should focus on Sonus Complete Review is getting a lot of sleep and exercise. It is not a cliche or coincidence that doctors recommend an exercise program for basically every person on planet earth. It literally will improve all of your functioning, just like sleep will. It is important that you get on a regular exercise routine, and make sure that you get as much sleep as possible if you want to cure the ringing in your ears.If you are suffering from tinnitus, you probably already know how stressful it can be to live with this condition. It is also a condition one should worry about, since it is usually the first sign of ear problems which can lead to hear-loss. When one goes to the doctor regarding this condition, there are many things to consider.There are many tinnitus treatments out there. However, some treatments may work for some but not for all. Choosing a tinnitus treatment that works for you is essential in the hope of having a full recovery. One treatment that is showing lots of potential today is homeopathic medicine. It is a medicine that is experimental, but it does show great effects when fighting tinnitus and helping your ears heal.


  180. The right attitude is Diabetes Freedom Review one of the most vital components to lifetime diabetes control. If it's missing or if it's off-kilter, it saps the energy and will necessary to keep your blood sugar and weight and other diabetes health factors under control day in and day out. The typical "positive" attitude preached today is not the "right" attitude. It needs some adjustment. Popular "positive attitude" gurus tend to focus on selling and salesmanship. But what they say typically applies to a positive attitude in any area of life. Generally speaking, they would have us puff up our attitude with positive people, positive affirmations, reading positive books and listening to positive recordings. We ought to take our lesson from such inspirations as "The Little Engine That Could". You can do it if you believe you can. I agree that stoking yourself up with positive affirmations and determination works for overcoming a difficult obstacle or achieving a particularly daunting task. I've done it myself. And that's fine for the little engine to make it up and over the hill. It works, but it is definitely for the short-term. There will be more hills. You need to make it over the next one. And the next one. Every day. So you need to keep stoking yourself up, again and again, to face each hill and hardship as it comes. At some point, though, you're just going to run out of steam and your positive attitude will not be enough to make it up the hill. Here's what I really think about the "you can do it if you believe you can" attitude. It's wishful thinking and shamanism. Most of a so-called positive attitude is smoke and vapor. It lacks content. It lacks a solid foundation. That's why you have to keep stoking it with daily positive affirmations. Without constant re-affirmations there's nothing to it. What then is the right attitude? First of all, it's a state of mind, not a feeling. Most gurus will tell you that. But unlike what they tell you, it's not based on wishful thinking and positive speaking. It's based on who you really are and what you really want to achieve.


  181. If you hear a loud ringing Sonus Complete Review noise in your ears constantly then you may have a condition known as tinnitus. Tinnitus is something that many people will experience in their life. However, some people will experience this condition so excessively, and the loud ringing noise in their ears so severe, that it disrupts their daily life. Certain medications, fluid blockage in the middle of your ears, and ear damage due to constant exposure to loud noise are some of things that can cause tinnitus. One of the most common type of treatments for tinnitus is surgery. However, a lot of people are scared of surgery procedure and would rather utilize some natural remedies to get relief from the loud noise ringing in ears. By far one of the best natural remedies to reduce the loud ringing noise in your ears is to make some changes in your diet. Eliminate caffeine and other retated products from your diet as this can make the ringing sound in your ears worse. To improve the strength of your immune system and reduce the symptoms of tinnitus you can increase your vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin A intake. You should also include foods that are rich in protein, magnesium, and zinc in your diet. One highly effective natural treatment to reduce the loud ringing noise in your ears involve combining a teaspoon of salt and glycerin in 150 ml of warm water. This combination can be used as a nasal spray to reduce your tinnitus symptoms. The loud noise ringing in ears can cause an inflammation in your ears. To reduce this inflammation in your ears you can consume some pineapple. Another effective natural remedy is maiden hair tea extract. By putting 20 to 40 mg of the extract maiden hair tea in your ear daily you can reduce the ringing in your ears and can also eliminate it. A lot of people don't know about these natural remedies, but they are very effective. If you're suffering from Tinnitus it is important for you to know that this condition will never leave if you don't treat it. Many people decide to try and live with it instead of treating it.


  182. LASIK is often performed on a daily basis in Vision 20/20 Protocol Ebook Review the form of outpatient. As a surgery that boasts high success rates, LASIK has been widely accepted worldwide. It is true that LASIK surgery is the most common way for permanent vision correction, without an aid from any eyewear. Thanks to this innovative surgery, there are a huge number of patients who have recovered brand new vision in their daily lives.In rare cases, the surgeon may prescribe a new pair of eyeglasses to the patient during the recovery period. And eye ointments can also provide help in vision recovery after LASIK surgery. Of course, the fees of these two services will be added up to the total cost of the procedure.If you are a lady that wants to impress then you will be concerned about fashionable Oakley sunglasses women. These sunglasses deliver exactly what a woman wants. They add a sophisticated look that is not too feminine. The design is edgy, but also sporty.Female Oakley's have only been manufactured for the past few years. Oakley simply customized all the great elements of the male sunglasses and placed them into the female styles. There are many great looks and styles. The wonderful thing about these sunglasses is that you can wear them for every day purposes.


  183. The Forex trading market is Bitcoin Revolution 2 Review a continuously learning process so be sure your system comes with a training package. That package should provide Forex educational material and tutorials in video form to simplify the training. Be sure that the training videos include training in solid management rules. Finally, select a system that has very good reviews and comes with a money back guarantee. You also want to test drive the system before buying it. Open a test account with the Forex trading market and test drive the system that way you will not lose any of your hard-earned money. You can operate the system and the account free and familiarize yourself with the system before buying it. Take advantage of any options you might have so you can make the best decision possible. In the late 70s, technology introduced the automated trading robot that has completely revolutionized how people do business on the foreign currency market, also known as the Forex market. As time has gone by, new robot systems have been developed that have improved upon each of the older models. The question some people are beginning to ask is whether or not the new automated robots are good for people who trade on the market or if these robots are actually hurting people's chances at making money. To answer this question, let's take a look at some of the benefits that the robots have provided. Before the introduction of the automated robot, people had to make massive calculations and you almost had to be a math genius to make any money. The trading robot does all the calculations for you and never sleeps! Each trading robot can do different things to meet different needs of the user. Some of the robots include the Forex MegaDroid, IvyBot, and FAP Turbo. Each robot has the ability to show back-testing results so you can determine how well each robot is doing for you, the trader. The algorithms (math stuff) that the robots have take the guesswork out of trading. So far the robots sound pretty good, don't they?


  184. Certain allergens may Breathe Green Charcoal Bag Review provoke a reaction today but not tomorrow. It depends upon your total load of irritants and physical stresses. The goal of air cleaning is to progressively dilute contaminants with clean air, keeping them below the threshold at which you react. Why do I talk about dilution of contaminants and not total elimination? Because particles and gases do not stand still for an air purifier to capture them one by one. Normal particle motion disperses them equally throughout your room air. This means clean air exiting your air purifier is almost immediately recontaminated by the untreated air. You can't hold clean air on one side of the room while cleaning the air on the other side. This is why your air purifier should run continuously. Constant treatment reduces pollutants and keeps them at a low level. Countering air cleaning is the reintroduction of new pollutants. Reintroduction is like a leak in a boat. In time the boat sinks. Your air quality will sink also if you don't stay ahead of the reintroduction rate for new pollutants. Just as the boat needs steady bailing to stay afloat your room air needs continuous cleaning to stay healthy. This is where ACH, or air changes per hour, comes into play. ACH indicates how fast you can bail your room air of contaminants. ACH is determined by dividing the cubic feet of cleaned air your air purifier can deliver in one hour by the cubic feet of the room. Say your room is 12 x 15 with an eight foot ceiling. That's 1440 cubic feet (12 x 15 x 8). Say your air purifier is rated to deliver as much as 165 cubic feet per minute (165 CFM) or 9900 cubic feet over an hour. Dividing 9900 by 1440 reveals your air purifier can deliver 6.8 air changes per hour in this room.


  185. It is not necessary to reduce Back Pain Sos Review the slippage as freeing up the nerve roots directly will decompression the pinching and often times it is more trouble than its worth. In addition, bone graft material is placed on each side of the spine in order to facilitate fusion of one level to another. Does the surgery have good results? The answer is a definitive yes. In the world of spine surgery, procedures for degenerative spondylolisthesis have overall very favorable outcomes. Patients typically spend one to 3 nights in the hospital, and the surgery works well for resolution of both back and leg pain. Unlike many types of spine surgery that have questionable outcomes, spinal decompression and fusions for degenerative spondylolisthesis work typically very well. Once again, it is a last resort procedure quality of life decision. The muscle relaxant medication, Soma is effective in providing relief to painful musculoskeletal conditions. It is also known under its generic name, Carisoprodol which works in conjunction with rest and physical therapy. Blocking electronic communications among nerves in your spinal cord and brain is one way to provide relief to painful musculoskeletal conditions. This is what Soma is good at. It is prescribed by doctors in conjunction with physical therapy and rest to treat injuries as well as painful muscles. If you have a history of drug addiction, then Soma is not for you as the medication is habit-forming. Or you can take this drug under constant monitoring and not longer than what your doctor prescribed. This medication provides pain relief by relaxing your muscles. The medication is formulated to provide immediate relief to discomfort and pain associated with spasms, strains, sprains or other muscle-related injuries. Keep in mind though that Soma and other drugs under the Carisoprodol family are muscle relaxers specific for relieving pain and injuries in muscles and not in other body pains and aches.


  186. Most probably, you have Advanced Prostate Formula Review been looking for some answers for your concerns about the size of your penis. Now is the right time to do what you should have done from the very moment you feel small since there are male penis enhancement that guarantees to increase the girth and length of your genitals. You can have an increase in penis size without even using expensive penis enhancement products like pills, creams, traction devices and even surgery. You cannot hide from the truth that the size of your penis is not as big as the standard size that most women want, especially when it gets talked about even before you were born. Moreover, your father has checked your genitals to see if you have been blessed with a bigger penis or not. Fathers do this since the size of their son's penis reflects on the size of their genitals too. The good news is, whatever the size of your penis, it does not make you who you really are. However, the size of your genitals is a major factor that affects your attitude towards the other sex and towards life as well. The size of your penis affects how you really feel about yourself too. You do not have to worry so much this time since there is a male penis enhancement that can guarantee that you have a successful increase of penis' length and girth. You can forget about the pills, the pumps, the weights, and surgeries. You can forget all about the empty promises by almost all of the male penis enhancement products. You can forget the feeling of wanting to make your size bigger and stronger. You can leave yourself satisfied and happy with what you will have. You just have to do the necessary natural penis enhancement exercises properly and you will get a stronger, bigger and healthier penis. You can do this with just the use of your own hands at the comforts of your home. In fact, you can do it with only 6 minutes of your day for a few weeks. You just need to be prepared and be equipped with patience, determination, commitment and knowledge to get a successful result.


  187. There are a many different End Of Gout Review causes of this heel problem. The planters fascia ligament contracts and loosens similar to a rubber band. It can handle significant weight and pressure. Because of this function, plantar fasciitis can easily occur from a number of reasons. The most common can be from too much exercise. Athletes commonly get this. Repetitive and heavy stress can cause the tissue to tear and become inflamed, resulting in moderate to severe pain. Arthritis is another cause. The elderly often obtain some type of foot problem. Certain types of arthritis can cause inflammation to develop in tendons, resulting in pain in the heel area. Diabetes is also a factor that can contribute to further heel pain and damage, particularly among the elderly. One of the most common factors that may contribute to planters fasciitis is by wearing shoes that don't fit right. Shoes don't fit right by being the wrong size, have the incorrect support or are too big or too small. What if there was a way to ease the pain? I realize that suffering from this terrible heel problem. I also know that it is really painful in the morning when you are first waking up. What if there was some treatments that were easy to do and cost you nothing? Interest you? Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults in the United States. Also, plantar fasciitis can lead to a much more serious condition called a heel spur, where the front and bottom of the heel have an extra bone growth, which leads to serious pain while walking. Many people can confuse these two because they are so closely related. Plantar fasciitis can especially lead the heel spurs, but not the other way around. The only way to determine if you have a heel spur, is through an x-ray or some sort of imaging technique that a doctor would use.


  188. We all need to be "green" these days as we have Electricity Freedom System Review heard all those news reports telling us that over use of energy contributes to global warming and climate change. We need to do our bit to make sure that our living environment is as efficient as possible.Environmentally, we know that we need to look after our surroundings and there has never been more focus on energy saving. None of us can afford to waste money and from our climate perspective we should all aim to be as "green" as we possibly can.If you read the papers like most of us do, there are two things happening in the world today that are far more significant than anything else. Firstly, I do not know how anyone would not know that there is a credit crunch on and secondly, we have broken through the ozone layer which is causing global warming. Let us try to help both out at the same time.Energy efficiency is far more important now than it has ever been, mainly for the two reasons above. Most governments make great noises about both getting us out of the recession and also counteracting global warming. However, their measures are mostly words and they rarely follow through seriously enough to have much of an affect.If we know that we have to save money or think that preserving the planet for our future generations is important, then it is down to us all as families and individuals to do our little bits. Maybe, if we all do as much as we can, it will start to have a real effect.Here are four very important things that we can do as individuals.


  189. Chia is very high in Essential M Review antioxidants. It also stores for longer, tastes better and you can add Chia to all kinds of food. You could literally live off this seed. So you have the first part down, you have been working out regularly and eating right. Now lets examine how to take it up a notch. You want to take your workouts from great to extraordinary? The answer may not actually lay in the workout at all, it may be about how you are re-fueling your body after your workout is done. Right after you are done working out, your body's muscles are in a state of shock. They have just been pushed to their limits. At this time they are looking to refuel, there is a window of between 30 to 45 minutes where your muscles are ready to absorb a ton of nutrients. Basically your muscles are screaming for food, and at this time you should be feeding them stuff that is full of what they need to build strength and recover. Remember, your muscles actually build when they are recovering not when you are tearing them working out. So what is it that your muscles need? Well they need a source of protein, along with some carbs and fats. The other thing will help in the recovery process is Creatine. The best way to get this to your muscles is through a shake. This is because you will have an empty stomach and the shake will not take long to go through your stomach to your small intestine, where it will quickly be absorbed into your blood stream and finally to your muscles. The protein source that you should be using is called Whey Protein. Whey protein is a little different than other sources of protein. It is very quickly absorbed by the body, and is easy to convert to the building blocks of your muscles. When you are looking for a Whey supplement, make sure it also has a bit of carbs and fats in it. They dont have to be lots, but they also help the body recover and aids in the absorption process.
    There are many turmeric herb benefits.


  190. Now's the time to Half Day Diet Review gradually take it off. Slow and easy, steady as she goes. Think of all the diets you've been on and how much you weighed when you started them and a year later, what do you weigh? Most likely you're still battling the bulge or you probably wouldn't be reading this. And that year has come and gone. With the above approach you will find that in a year's time you will have lost either a considerable amount of weight or some weight but you will still have lost weight - as opposed to your current regimen of losing a few and gaining more. This approach is working for me. So far, I've lost over 35 pounds. I admit it's taken me 1 year to lose the weight and I probably should be ashamed of that, but I'm not. At least I've lost it instead of gained it. Remember - Small victories lead to big wins. No matter where you look these days, you see weight loss plans, weight loss supplements, and a never-ending supply of experts who are all offering the latest and greatest in new diet technology which will let you lose weight easily. As more and more people become overweight or obese, the market for these plans and pills becomes bigger, and the same people will try all the latest diet fads in order to try and lose their weight without putting in much effort. The fact is, most of these plans and pills are more about marketing and sales than health and weight loss. Some diets and diet pills that are sold not only have little to no actual health or weight loss benefits, but they can actually harm you with long term use. At the end of the day, the most effective way to lose weight is to do it slowly and naturally over time. You won't get the instant results promised by most diet plans, but it will work and it won't harm your health. The first step is to eliminate as many chemicals and other toxins from your diet as you can. This doesn't mean depriving yourself of all your favorite foods and treats, as that's a way to guarantee the failure of a diet. But it does mean trying to replace sodas with fruit juices, sugar-filled breakfast cereals with natural muesli, and reducing or cutting out caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.


  191. They also form on the Keravita Pro Review five toes of your foot although they tend to pick on the small one. On this particular toe, hard bumps that are sensitive to the touch form on the outside, on the top part or on the skin which is beneath the nail. All these types of lumps that you can effortlessly notice on your friend's feet or yours are called hard corns or heloma durums. Sometimes the friction caused by tiny shoes when you are walking or running can cause the soft corns. Diagnosis Chronic Ankle disability may be diagnosed by the following common symptoms: Swelling of the ankle Acute pain, An increase in the size of arch Weakness and instability of the foot and ankle Warmth to the touch It can be understood that the above symptoms can be apparent to anyone, but a proper diagnosis must be done at the Podiatry clinic. Depending on the severity of the condition the foot doctor recommends one or more treatment options. The treatment options can be of surgical nature in very rare cases and mostly fall under the Non-surgical category. Thus the recovery period may vary accordingly. Surgical Procedures Surgical procedures are considered in extreme cases when the disability is chronic or persistent. Before making the decision to opt for surgery, the Podiatrists implement all possible non-surgical procedures. The patients who go through surgery have torn ligaments that cause loosening of the ankle joints and complete malfunction of the leg movement activity. Ankle joint instability can be determined by Physical Examination as well as X-ray Tests; Physical examination The Podiatrist can determine ankle instability by a thorough comparison of the injured ankle with the healthy ankle. The difference in tightness of the ligaments suggests the level of ankle instability. X-ray tests When physical examination is not enough to diagnose whether the ankle is unstable or not, Foot doctors may recommend the patient to go for an X-ray test.


  192. The weight spectrum is a sort of Fast Burn Extreme Reviewgraph or chart that shows different weight groups and can help you determine what part of the spectrum you belong. To determine this you first have to calculate your Body Mass Index or BMI.I would like to focus more on one end of the spectrum, the underweight, but more specifically Anorexia and Bulimia because they affect society in a very considerable way.Did you know that foods rich in protein have several health benefits? These foods play an important part in a healthy diet which is why they should be eaten. Eating fruits and vegetables is not enough. You must also consider eating protein foods since they give proper nourishment to your body, are good for the bones and taste good too! Some good examples of these foods are the following; yogurt, eggs, beans, meat, fish and much, much more. Now you know what they are, let's move on the benefits that they bring.For someone who wants to lose weight, dozens of choices come up in mind. While many gyms and weight loss centers and groups are present everywhere, there are many other options available, and one of these options are online weight loss programs.


  193. They are renewable. Unlike fossil fuel, there is an unlimited Electricity Freedom System Reviewsource of biomass fuel available. Wood pellets can also be created using the waste from the lumber industry making it a very efficient and environmentally friendly fuel sourceInsulating foam sealant is a fantastic little product, ideal for do-it yourselfers. As a real estate investor, I contract out much of the work that is done, but I also take a personal approach to some basic tasks in my properties. And saving every little bit that I can is paramount.Here are some advantages I have seen by using insulating foam sealant:It saves on energy bills. Filling in crack around doors and windows, and any other areas that the outside air might creep in will help your AC or furnace run more efficiently and will make the home feel more climate controlled.Save on monthly energy bills and get more life from your HVAC system!Reduces noise. So, when the sealant is preventing unwanted air flow, it also alleviates outside noise from traffic, neighbors, etc.


  194. The war for the survival Instant Manifestation Secrets Review of our Nordic/Germanic ancestral soul and culture is at critical mass. As rune warriors, rune masters and vikings we have not done too well in the past 2000 years. In military parlance we have won some tactical battles but the strategic battle that could win the war has not been achieved. Now is the time to win the strategical battle. We are now being given the chance because we have entered the Age of Aquarius. We have left the 2000 year reign of the Age of Pisces. Christianity, monotheism and the age of the controlling middle man is over. The plug has been pulled. It may take another hundred years or so for the institutions of the Age of Pisces to completely collapse. But just like the wild Cape water buffalo who is dealt a mortal shot to the brain keeps charging due to its momentum, it too finally falls dead. It is time for us to let go of the past and to use the new laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics which is gift to us from the Age of Aquarius. We can use these laws of strengthen our ancestral soul. The strategy is this. Use the tools of the Age of Aquarius to build new rituals, write new books and seek out new kindred. This is the Age of the Mind and even though those still tied to the Age of Pisces are dying they are now using the tools of the Age of Aquarius to continually destroy our culture and the minds of our children. What are these tools? The Internet, TV, cell towers and phones, movies, the media and the public school system. There is a constant 24/7 signal being sent out by them. This signal subliminally sent enters the minds of our children. It is like the Chinese water torture. Only instead of driving them crazy it forces them to submit and obey. Have you seen the movie "THEY LIVE?" If not find it an watch it. It may save your sanity and freedom. So become a Quantum Physics Rune Warrior. Start thinking of ways to use the Internet, the laws of spiritual quantum physics, the new sciences of orgone technology and radionics to send out streams of stronger signals then they are.


  195. Mosaic also provides a thorough treatmentCollagen Refresh Lemonade Review that is guaranteed to be effective for all skin types. Other benefits include multiple treatment modes and speeds which helps the doctor to customize the treatment according to the client's specific needs. With Mosaic you will be able to eliminate fine lines, frown lines, wrinkles, sunspots, acne scars, lined lips, and pigmentation caused by aging minus the invasiveness.Mosaic's Stamp and Scan system with the dual operation modes makes it possible to have a fast but accurate treatment. Consistency of treatment is also measured with the machine's Automatic Density Counter.What is Scalp Acne? Scalp acne is an irritating disease that affects the skin on one's head. It is also known as scalp pimples, scalp bumps and scalp psoriasis. Basically, scalp acne is an inflammatory skin disease involving the sebaceous glands of the scalp skin. The symptoms it produces are very discomforting and are notoriously known to include the chronic appearance of itchy papules, pustules or comedones on random areas of one's scalp.


  196. You will find the solution to your End Of Gout Review toenail fungus if you simply work with your medical professional and try various things whether you are trying oral medications, home remedies, or topical medications such as Zetaclear. It is important to keep in mind that the answer is available for you if you merely browse around and try out various things because there are quite a few patients who have found one or two of these solutions to be rather effective. These treatment options could be further understood by looking at information on the net.The price for this type of hosiery will be more than the bargain 3 for $5, but the benefits of proper hosiery are truly life changing. Whether it making a simple switch from nylon dress sock to cotton dress socks to lower foot temperature, athletic socks to make your feet feel better, to purchasing support hose lessen the pain of extended periods of time standing, the effects are often immediate and considerable.Advanced technology and the science of Podiatry have made great strides in hosiery design. Now there is hosiery designed for everyday wear that will help treat, vascular conditions, neuropathy, and cold feet. Hosiery that can be worn multiple times and still remains fresh. Diabetic socks, hosiery designed for comfort and to address the very special circulatory needs of the diabetic patient. Ski socks, Athletic socks and Hiking socks that can bring comfort to tired legs and feet within minutes of putting them on, by increasing blood flow, regulating temperature, and delivering a greater supply of oxygen to the targeted area.



  197. There are various ways to Joint Complex 4000 Review treat TMJ. But as with any other condition, you need to have the problem properly diagnosed first before anything else. After which you will know the underlying cause of the condition, then you can better manage the condition. In most cases, sufferers would feel the symptoms of TMJ for a couple of days up to two weeks. This is if the underlying cause is not that serious and easily remedied. However, there are some, mostly women who have recurring problems with the condition. In which case, the sufferer needs to address the root cause of the condition as well as treat TMJ syndrome and achieve relief of the symptoms associated with it. If you are a TMJ syndrome sufferer here are some measure which can offer relief or at least reduce the symptoms of the condition: Cold compress should be applied only if there's an injury. If there's none, you would find immediate relief by applying a warm compress to the painful area. After a warm compress is the best time to do some gentle therapies or slow stress-reducing exercise for the facial muscle. If you had the condition properly diagnosed by a doctor or a health care practitioner, they would be able to teach you some of these techniques. One simple exercise is the slow opening and closing of the mouth by moving the mandibles or the lower jaw all the while moving it from side to side. You can repeat this for up to 4-5 times. If you can relieve the tension in the affected area, the condition will vastly improve. One way to ensure that is to maintain a proper positioning of the jaw. With lips closed, your upper and lower teeth should be slightly apart and your tongue should be at the upper portion of the mouth. You need to breathe through your nose and not your mouth.


  198. If you are considering Naturacel Anti Aging Skin Cream Review trying scabies home treatment, then you are not alone! Many people prefer to use natural treatments rather than conventional medications which, in the case of scabies, usually consist of powerful insecticides which are applied directly to the skin. There is no doubt that insecticides can be effective for treating this condition. However, some experts have expressed doubt as to their safety-indeed, there are some very unpleasant associations with some of the insecticides which are commonly used. At the very least, many people experience unpleasant side effects such as skin irritation and burning, nausea and sickness. There are various scabies home treatment options which you can consider. The most popular is tea tree oil, followed by Neem oil and garlic. Tea tree oil is a proven remedy for all manner of conditions and over the last few years has been recommended for the natural treatment of headlice. The powerful components within tea tree oil also make it an excellent choice to kill scabies as it is also safe to use generally on the skin. You should add around 25 drops of high quality tea tree oil to a warm bath and soak in it up to the neck for around 20 minutes. This should be repeated for around 2 weeks. You can also apply the oil directly to the skin via a damp cotton wool or gauze pad. Neem oil is known to be an effective scabies home treatment but is not as easily available as tea tree oil. If used, it can be added to tumeric to make a paste. Garlic can be crushed and applied to the skin, but is less popular due to its smell! However, there are suggestions that garlic tablets are effective and there is no harm in combining them with other safe natural remedies such as tea tree oil.


  199. Losing weight is not 5 Minute Belly Burner Review hard. The diet industry has led people to believe that you either need to starve yourself or spend your life in the gym in order to lose weight. The truth is that losing weight is simple. It is just takes some time to do it naturally. Most people want to lose weight immediately. They want to drop ten pounds for their next month's vacation. They eat very little, they work out constantly, and after the vacation they do not understand why they gain back the weight they lost. The only successful diet is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change. To permanently lose weight, you need to make fitness and good diet daily habits. Many individuals think that going to the gym for a hardcore workout is the only legitimate way to get exercise. This can backfire. It can be difficult to motivate yourself to go to the gym several times a week, especially if you have a busy life. Additionally, if you ever need to cut back financially the gym membership is often the first expense to be cut. Exercise is important, of course. However, in order to see long term weight loss results, you need to think outside the gym. It can be easy to blow off going to the gym. If your home is your gym, however, it is easier to stay on track. Instead of depending on the gym, look for ways to incorporate fitness into your daily routine. Buy a small set of weights and do a few reps during commercials. Do some sit ups in the morning when you wake. If you do just fifty sit ups every morning, you will see results in just a couple of months. Walk whenever possible and make sure that you walk for at least thirty minutes three or four times a week. It takes about six weeks for most people to form a habit. If you give yourself time and keep working at it, your daily fitness practices will become second nature to you. Working out will no longer be a chore but just another part of your life.


  200. Forex EA for MetaTrader Bitcoin Revolution 2 Review reviews will help you choose the best platform in the market today. The ever-changing technology of today has brought us so many software programs and applications that at times it is hard to figure, which is the best MetaTrader in the market. The Forex MetaTraders will guide you to a MetaTrader that works better than the rest on the market. Do your research online on the MetaTrader software because this will save you a lot of time and save you many mistakes. MetaTrader is a software program, that is complete, and it will help you to make your stock market transactions. This software is very good because it provides a large reporting on the stock market and the currencies. The MetaTrader 4 is able to handle all brokerages and trading actions. When you go through all the reviews pay attention to a common tread in those reviews. If you see, something that keeps showing up on all the reviews that maybe that item has some validity. If it is something that is mentioned in one review only, then maybe it is not so important a feature, or maybe it is not true. Find all the review you can and look for any other information you can get to read. The reason you need to read many reviews is that some reviews may be biased to the product. By reading multiple reviews, you can get a better feel of the product. It is a good practice to always check the reviews on an item, no matter what it is you are buying. In the case of the MetaTrader, it is good to get advice from a broker or ask your friends. Learn all you can from the currency market before you enter any traders. Find out how it works and start with a small investment. Remembering always to not invest more than you can afford to lose is a good lesson to practice all the time. MetaTrader appears to be a stable platform to use for your foreign currency trading.

